

The Ark of Pillars

Posted in Future Flash | Exhortations


On March 8,1970 I received a prophecy: "I will tell you of things that will come to pass. An Ark will be built on pillars so as to be secured from a plague of Rats during a time of a worldwide famine. (this day is developing).

The message is: As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be again in a future time. (This message has expanded realities as refers to "transporting"). 

Now today May 27, 2013 the Manifester Yada comes to tell the meaning of this parable...The Ark to be built is a "Virtual Reality Ark" to be put on the Manifester Yada Website. Its revelations, as people move through its corridors will be amazing. The "Pillars", the Ark is to be built on, will be called "nano-pillars". The electrical characterization of these Nano-Pillars, is that they will be constructed with an electronic transport having crystalline phrases.


These Nano-Pillars will use a conductive force of microscopy implementation. As to the Term "Rat s" , this refers to the susceptibility of today's and even future times, as to hackers, who are intruders and infiltrators. The Ark will hold secret reveals of scientific and potential military uses of energy and atomic-latticing. The method used to eradicate these "Rat s", is called: R emote A ccess T ools, (Remote Access Tools), or abbreviated "Rats". 

You who read this post, and witness this word, and those who have some knowledge on this kind of structure, please make a comment and also express your interest to know more...(This is a 60fold interpretation).

Dr. Jerry O. Lee
  • Page Views: 14569

About the Author

Dr. Jerry O. Lee

Dr. Jerry O. Lee

Representing the Manifester Yada

THE NAME “MANIFESTER YADA” means ‘Ministry of Divine Knowledge’. This is a corporate ministry society name and concept, which body group includes: prophets, scholars, revelatory ministry, artisans, translators, teachers, scribes, doctors, and sundry gifted of the Holy Spirit individuals, scientists, staff and representatives.

AN ORDINARY MAN, A MORTAL — ONLY BY THE GIFT OF SPIRITUAL INSIGHT DOES THIS CHANGE... Over 50 books written, including The Peace Manifest Bible, a new interpretation — all in the process of being published one at a time. Revelation on the Bible — fresh and with no precedence of kind. New Maths — new insights on the universe and creation.

Comments (2)

  • Liberty


    18 February 2014 am28 11:44 |
    I have a very strong witness to this website. I first found you thru Youtube teachings and have now spent 5 days on this site. I have sent a friend request from your FB page and signed up for emails/newsletters. I have a passion to know MORE, please MORE, MORE, MORE. I know GOD's timing is was not time to meet up with this group until now. So, now is the time.
  • Karren Palmer

    Karren Palmer

    17 March 2016 pm31 21:00 |
    This is one of my favorite spots. I return here often. I sit on its bank and ponder the waters of this prophecy. I toss in a stone of thought and it always ripples me a nod. I'll be back...

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