Facing toward the Light
A white cloud passing, A blue sky, blurred by the tear, Come to golden grains, of ripen thought, Understand the sin of fraught, A youth based cry, far from the rye of life, Defines the gulf of fixed understanding, near as gold, The contempt of the shamed heart pierced through unto pains of thy youth; come fourth, through the small trails of knowledge, left to us by the ascended parents past; as over- thoughts passing as waves of warm winds come together to hearken the songs that raise to life the dead acts of the past; grains tossed to the wind, have taken root, unto a sweet fruit souls sounding the cries, of eternal Love, now coming fourth,
understanding and knowledge peeks through the cracks of time forgotten; Gracious wonders, in unison of the tomorrows, hip closer, to the present, touching the present time of the coming beginning of eternities; Facing towards the light, now comes the opening of the eyes, that were once closed with the blinding light of His Presence; Holy Eyes, beholding and viewing, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit;
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Comments (1)
Doug Jacquemin
mom has overcome her cancer and my brothers and sisters are doing good. Still not the same of course. I have stopped writing myself since his passing just because of other things happening. It will still be my passion to write now I have overcome my humps. Miss you daddy!! Thanks Jerry Lee for keeping his poems, his excitement alive. He loved you a lot my friend.