

A Single Pearl

Posted in Readings From The Seven Shepherds | The Writings of Many Willows


Pondering the mysteries of dimensional creations, there is a journey of lost thought that has a graying effect that shades the oversight of seeing, a complete gulf of endless interims of the In- between, or the lesser cosmic movements that have a type of under privileged recognition of existence, there in the created sub portal roll of continual giving, so that the upper, or higher creation, may continue to progress according to their universal natures; Within the shell of life, the Heart Grain Seed is tossed to, and fro; up and down, falling and holding to confines of life;

with each fall, or turning, imparting a layer of refinement, and wisdom of spirit, sparkles of energy, and encouragements, whisking through and around, each layer of Love and giving, imparting the glory to The Heart Grain Seed; That Which is Flesh Is Flesh, And that which is Spirit, is Spirit, God Is a Spirit; and they that worship Him, Must worship Him, in Spirit and in Truth; The Shell of Life holds The Heart Grain Seed, “Grow thou O Wonder of the Father, A Child Within in The Pearl of life, Prepare now the Spiritual Wonder Of God, to You The Son Has He given; Cry now, the infant’s Cry, Come Father I Hunger and thrust, for the Living Bread of Heaven; That I may Eat Of and Never see Death Again; O Death Where is Thy Sting; O Grave Where is thy Victory; My Father Has swallowed you up, in the Resurrection Of Life; That which Was, and is, and is to Come, is within Thee; And His Presents Shall fill all the Earth as a Rushing Mighty wind, and all the Kingdoms shall Be His; There will Be One King; And There Shall Be One People

Many Willows
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About the Author

Many Willows

I was born in St. Louis Mo.

When I was 6 yrs old we move to a little French township called Florissant; located within minutes of the Convergence of Where two Rivers Meet, the Mississippi River & the Missouri River; Just a little east of the Missouri River Are what we call The Great River Buffs, several hundred feet high, that run along the Mississippi River; There is an Indian legend, that follows these bluffs, The Legend of The Piasa Bird, which was carved into the Bluff Facing; and since restored; I have been there many times, I have made the climb to the top of the Bluffs on more than one occasion, which is not an easy task;

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