Readers of the Holy Manifest, some of your names shall one day be called “Manifesters” when the Word of this truth builds a launch in your bones like a burning fire that you can no longer contain.
In the not long ago of a when of time, I dreamed; and I heard voices calling my Manifester name: I knew these were the voices of great ancient ones calling me like unto Enoch, Abraham, Job, David, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John and Paul. Then I looked and I saw that these great ones were building gates to a city of cities. And it was so that each of these great ancients had been given talents called pearls, and they were to fit them to the city gates.
And it was so, that after these great ones passed on from their spiritual roles on Earth that religious humanism encroached upon their works and veiled the color of their pearls until the pearls could not be recognized in the fullness of their pearlings.
Then a beautiful angel came down from the heavens and drew all the veiled pearls of the ancients and, changing the forms of the veiled pearls into words, put those words into the mouths of prophets and priests. In the course of time, those words were put in to a great book called the Bible and other writs.