In the stratopause there is an interface between the stratosphere and the ionosphere; in the stratopause of lattilution, botanically, there is an interface biologically between the strawberry plant with its trifoliate leaves and runners and the strawberry roan evergreen tree.
In heaven and on Earth, there are things that seem to be alike or even the same in name or face; but there are differences of degrees, levels, and folds important to know. In the revelation of lattilution many plants of the Earth were pre-patterned in the soundtron (Psalms 19:4 and Romans 10:18 KJV) before they grew on Earth (Genesis 2:4-5).
The revelation given Moses and David about the patterns of the heavens is far deeper than the average Bible reader has understood (Numbers 8:4 KJV {compare Revelation 1:12-16 KJV} 1 Chronicles 28:11-19 KJV). For sure these pattern revelations included the lattices of things on Earth (Hebrews 11:3, Hebrews 8:5 and Hebrews 9:23 KJV) and the lattices of things in the heavens such as stars and angelic insight (Psalms 147:4 KJV).
In the Bible it was said by Jesus Christ: “Before Abraham I am” (St. John 8:58 KJV paraphrased). It is recorded that because of that statement many in the Jewish crowd wanted to kill Jesus. They did not understand what He was saying then, and only a few readers of the Bible understand even today what it was that Jesus was saying.