Stranded - Suppose, that you are not of this planet
suppose, that as a result of a great space war (Rev 12:7) your ancestors were cast down to this planet called Earth to be imprisoned here. (Rev 12:1-4)
Suppose, that now, since you live in “the land of forgetfulness” you have lost your memory and remember nothing about your true ancestral origin. (Ps 88:12)
Yet suppose, in a kind of deja vu you on occasion feel a deep drawing for a somewhere toward the stars…(Mal 3:16)
Suppose, you are stranded here and that is why Earthlians are seeking the ways and the means for traveling beyond Earth into unknown space. (Isa 51:16)
Suppose, that you existed prior to the genesis of this Earth…….. (Rom 8:29-30) as part of a host of entities called Ophannims. (Ezek 10:13 wheels=Hebrew for Ophannim)
Tracks Upon The Mountain of Transfiguration
Follow the Forensic Tracks of Jesus Christ to the top of Mount Hermon.
Dig into the mystery of Mount Hermon -- The Mount of Transfiguration. Moses will be called to the front of action as to what his part in the meeting with Jesus was on the Mount.
The term "Resurrection" will come into a new affluence of understanding as to the fullness of what Jesus was saying when He said: "I am the Resurrection"
Transassimilation - Church of the First Born

This is your moment to hear the story truth by the Holy Spirit and to understand the seamless robe that Jesus Christ wore on His way to the cross.
Revelation will ride the White Horse with such thunder, the former and the latter rain will begin to fall at the same time.