Seven Thunders Speak
Proposed pre-universal existences of prior universes and their proposed religion, science, and social orders
Surely one day, mortals will look deeply into space and see their own face in the offspring of Enoch's Melchisedec progeny - sons and daughters whose Arcturian parents were not born on Earth. So then, one day the profound manifest of these truths will cause deep memories to rise and mortals will become known as they were once known.
Then and only then will the masses begin to perceive the message of the soundtron and Energy Dot history densities that speak of that which was and that which is and that which shall be. Surely then mortals will begin to comprehend the purpose for the vast universe in which they live and the greatness of the Invisible Ultimate God the I-AM who abides in the First Domain of spiritual infinity - seeing all, knowing all, and loving all whose hearts seek Am.
Somewhere beyond the confines live other creatures of this universe: Zones of time, zones of space, zones of deep matter and dark energies and mental zones of ignorance separate life from life and minds from minds. In reaching for truth, it will be discovered that earthlings live outside the main streams of the most ancient origins.
In the course of time, humans will rise to acknowledgment that there are other children of the universe - metaphorically speaking, "other sheep" not of the earth folds. In that wonderful and awesome future time, ignorance will fall like broken towers.
Minds will become brightened, and light will touch mind-light, and emerging minds will meet ancient messengers - Cherubim, Seraphim, and others risen from prior universes.
Available in both hardcover and soft cover editions, let its empowering passages, thrilling stories, and majestic writ enlighten your mind and launch you on your greatest quest... to discover and explore your pre-existence and manifest your unfolding destinies.
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- Publisher: Soundtron Productions Ltd.
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0596006810
- ISBN-13: 978-0596006815
- Hardcover: 530 Pages
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