

The Ugly Hatefulness of Sin

Posted in The Writings of Lonny


Until last night I never understood sin. I thought I did, at least to some extent, but my comprehension when placed beside the actual reality pales to the harshest comparison words can denote. This revelation that was afforded me about the nature of sin has completely changed the entire structure of my belief system and left me paled beyond recovery to the resemblance of any world view I have ever entertained in the past. Last night in a revelation I saw the complete ugliness and hatefulness of the disease called sin, a plague that infiltrates the entire universe, infecting and destroying every aspect of the world physically, mentally, emotionally, sociologically, and spiritually. I saw that Sin is a disease blacker than the deepest black hole and which has infected not only the human race but the entire cosmos. It is the mother of all sickness, pain, suffering, ugliness and death--acondition which can only be dealt with by compete eradication, else it erradicates the whole creation.

Sin has run so far amuck that even the physical universe is running out of course awaiting its final end and waiting deliverance by the manifestation of the sons of God. I saw that declaring anyone to be a sinner is not passing a moral judgment on them but rather stating a medical diagnosis, for the sinner has no more control over his condition than a cancer patient or a leper. In fact less, for there is no physical cure for sin but death. And none of us are immune except by inoculation of the divine blood of Jesus applied by faith. And it is knowing this truth that suddenly makes sense of the need for of a redeemer and a vicarious substitute by the creator himself no matter what man's wisdom may say to the contrary.

Sin is the very root of every ill befalling the human race, including war, famine, suffering and disease. Therefore it is impossible to exclude healing from the redemption process for salvation from sin and salvation from disease is all one and the same thing. you cannot have one without the other. O' if only I had words to portray last night's vision of sin’s reality and hatefulness, however I can only hope these few words will stir up those who have ears to hear. No sinner can save himself for sin is not a thing but a condition and we are all under the power of its infectious disease. It is impossible to sit in judgement of another person for any sin, no matter how contemptuous, once you understand we are all equally affected by the grip of this dastardly affliction. Faith in God and His Christ and unconditional Love for one another is the only sane and rational response. It is in fact the only hope.

The Effects Of Sin (What Makes Sin So Bad)

The problem I earnestly believe is that we do not know how powerful sin is.  We do not know, we have no idea, it’s a term we toss around and we talk about it in a gleeful tone.  But let me say something to you, we have under estimated its power, its grip, and its hold on us.  I submit to you, that we have been bamboozled, fooled, brain-washed, beguiled, and the little chain is still holding us.

The New Testament talks about sin, the Greek word for sin is (harmartia), in classical Greek it simply means, missing the mark, it is an archers term, that an archer used to describe when he missed his target.  In the New Testament however, it is more than just missing the mark.  It is not basically an act, but it is a condition, that produces the act.  I am simply saying that it is not the act of doing something wrong, it is a state or a condition that the individual is in that produces many, many acts.  We are all sinners so we sin, while this blackest of all plagues continues to nibble away at God's  creation until nothing is left.  No wonder God hates sin, and we must hate it also.  Let me just tell you why we are still brain-washed by sin, first of all, most of us think in terms of  sinful acts that we call sins rather than a condition called Sin.  By thinking in terms of individual sins we can point our fingers at one another, while the bible points out to us that sin basically is a universal condition that always ends in death. 


There is no one who can escape sin, this is not a disease that affects some people.  It is a condition that effects every person in the human race.  And that’s why you can’t point fingers at people, because all of us are infected.  That’s why the bible says as it is written, there is none righteous.  And one of the problems we have is that, you see we like to compare ourselves with somebody else, and use them as a standard to make ourselves feel good, but the other person is not the standard, the standard is God.  And all of us by our mere nature, have fallen short of God’s Glory.  Sin is so universal that :

  • it affects the poiceman as well as the criminal,
  • it affects the doctor and the patience,
  • it effects the lawyer and his client,
  • it affects the educated and uneducated, both the rich and the poor, the haves and have nots,  and it also effects the clergy and the sinners, it effects all of us.

B.B.  King sings a song, that “Everybody Lies A Little”.  He even says Lucille lies a little, and that’s his guitar.  And he says that because he plays Lucille.  I am saying to you, first of all, that sin is universal, "let God be true and every man a liar." So none of us have a right earnestly to feel superior to anybody else, because if it were not for the grace of God, all of us would die where we are.


The second thing I want to say about sin and what makes it so bad.  Is that the bible says in Gal. 3:23  that we are under bondag to sin. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Now the word under (hupo) (hupo harmartia) is in the accusative case in the Greek, and it suggest that it has the dominance over us, that it exercises authority over us, that it has dominion over us, and we are subject to its power.  The ideal is simply this, a child is under the authority of its parents, an army is under the authority of its commanding officer, you and I are under the authority of the laws of our state.  Because we live here, we are subject to the laws of this state.  Sin is so powerful we are under its law, the law of sin and death, our condition was that we were under the dominance, under the control, under the authority of sin, and everything sin told us to do we had to do it because we lived in a state of sin.

Now in the state of sin everything you do, even the good, as a sinner is sinful.  You see if you have not accepted Christ, it simply means this, if you come to church and sing, you sing  as a sinner, even if you lift your hands up in praise, you lift your hands up in praise as a sinner, until you move from the sin state. What I am saying is that everything you do now, you do it  in the state where you live.  As a person who has not received Jesus Christ you live in the state of sin, so everything you do you do it in sin. You can't help it; you are without choice until you are taken out of sin.


Thirdly in Romans 5:21 sin is said to rule over us.   as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sin is like a king, and we are like his subjects, he tell us what to do.  You see,  in slavery, whether you wanted to do something or not, didn’t matter because the master ruled over you, and whatever the master said, that’s what you did because he ruled over you. And that’s what Paul says, in Romans 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.  He said, every time I desire to do good, its not that I don’t want to do good, but every time I desire to do good, evil is always present.  And the things I want to do, I don’t do them.  And the things I don’t want to do, I find myself doing them.  Now why is that, because sin rules over us with an iron fist.  Now check this out, you were born in sin.  You see, if you were born in slavery and all you know is slavery, the longer you live in slavery, I don’t care what they sign on paper, talking about you are free, it was still a thing of the mind where you had to be free in your mind. Therefore the Scripture teaches:

Eph 4:22–24

That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holines

Not only did it rule over us, but Romans 6:4 says (Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.)   it lorded over us, and that means that it had complete possession of us, that is sin owned us.  We were sin's play toy, for whatever sin wanted done, we found ourselves doing it. You see when you say lord over, you are saying that someone has complete authority,  they are your owner.

Romans 7:23 (But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members).  Paul is saying that sin took us captive.  That is that we were prisoners of war, if you talk to any Vietnam  veteran, they will tell you that the enemy could do what ever they wanted to do to you and you couldn’t do anything about it. In the book of Mark, if you notice the man in the tomb, the text says that he cut himself, screemed all night long, did unusually cruel things to himself, because he was a prisoner of war that Satan lorded over, ruled over, and caused  him to mess up himself.  That’s why people throw their babies away, because they are being lorded over by the devil.

Another thing he says is that sin dwelt in us. That word dwelt (oikos)(house) to live in to set up resident, a house guest. You see sin is not some external power, it has penetrate the fabric of our being, it lives, its at home in us.  Jeremiah says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.  If the heart is messed up then sin flows everywhere, and everywhere that sin flows it messes me up.  It messes my eyes up so I don’t see right, it messes my hands up so I do right, it messes my feet up so I don’t walk right, it messes with my head so I don’t think right. It contaminate the whole person.  That why the bible says that my mouth is an open seplchre (For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.).  I don’t want to talk about people but I do it anyway.  Sin has an hardness effect, then it causes death, because it separates you from God.  It blinds your mind, dulls your intellect.


But wait.  There is hope.  There is a balm in Gilead.  Everything Satan has done, Christ has alleviated it, every poison that sin has inflicted me with, I’ve got to know that Christ has removed it.

  • First of all, Christ has forgiven me, (aphiemi) sent my sins away, and the ideal is that of the day of atonement.
  • Secondly, He imputed righteous on my account, and now it reads in good and regular standing with GOD.
  • Thirdly, He covered my sin ( door post with blood), Jesus Christ has covered my sins.
  • Fourthly, I have been saved (rescued) and He canceled hell’s contract.

Don't be like the fooish man who refused to vaccinate his child and watched him die a painful death from measels.  There is a cure for sin.  It is the only solution...the only medication.  The only hope for you and me and the world is the precious holy blood of Jesus applied by the word of faith. Don't refuse to accept the only innoculation available.

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Comments (1)

  • ken


    08 February 2015 am28 06:32 |
    Nicely put. Thank You, Jesus!

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