A Shadow of Our self
In the morning mist,
A child makes a fist,
Alone & Dismissed from His kiss,
Put there to stay alone, becomes a mine’s pray;
With thoughts of fear that brings the tear,
Understanding fleets, our thoughts we keep;
Growing in fear, to know the year;
Though growing never knowing;
Over the tree tops of time;
We learn in our prime;
First a long pulling back;
Then times stack, to know the still thought;
An unseen light a lighting strike;
The kiss comes near but short’
Memories of the mist still persist;
Thoughts of bliss loosened their fist;
Dimensions now strong, we fleet along;
To the far side of near;
To remember the cove of our start;
Or fears now part in the newness of our hearts tear;
There kisses returned though never earned;
Out of Our Creator’s Heart;
Sent forward in time, to meet with mine;
Never alone we now see His Throne;
From our start loves pure heart;
All Grown, The Creator never left us alone;
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