
Articles tagged with: Jesus


The Valley

Posted in The Writings of Angel Whispers | Readings From The Seven Shepherds

When the heart goes down into the valley,
Where the beams of the setting sun
Have stretched the shadows long and bleak.....
Even in that valley shadow
When your knees come down to the ground
And your heart calls out to the Lord....
When you bring your hand down
And feel the grass between your fingertips.....
You will suddenly find the Lily of the valley.


Awesome Roles

Posted in The Writings of Deep Root | Readings From The Seven Shepherds

Its always heart-warming to read of the awesome roles that mothers play among us.

Thank the LORD for the very high life-excellerating force of Love that we are graced with through mothers and fathers here on earth!

When my mother died in 2001 she, by her living, passed on a bold looking banner for all her children to hold high – JESUS IS ALL-SUFFICIENT: exampled, for instance, by her heroic stand as an 8 year old student in the former Soviet Union.


A Slight Tipping Past Time

Posted in Readings From The Seven Shepherds | The Writings of Many Willows

A slight tipping past time, my soul looked into the flowers, that blow in the winds of the future; a fragrance of love, behold's the quivering of time passing; the children in the heavens, holding warm clouds to serve the hungry who call on the Lord; spread the supper table now that all who are invited may dine on the, Love, and Delicious fruit that the Spirit of God will serve the generations setting at the Bridegrooms table; Sing now the Songs of the Holy One’s Victory; O Death where is your Sting; O Grave where is your Victory; His Voice shall shake, not only the earth, but also the heavens; He shall shout the Victory Song From His Throne where he sits.


Regarding My Healing

Posted in Readings From The Seven Shepherds | The Writings of Lonny

I have been waiting to give the conclusion of the matter for all who prayed for my healing.  I wanted to allow enough time to make certain there was no relapse.  There isn't. My healing was timely and complete.  It was actually twofold because my wife Charlene was also ill with the same infection and we both received full healing after receiving gentou and prayers from so many of you. 

I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father and love them so much as do I all of you my brothers and sisters.  Since the healing God has been so active in my life in a new and at an unknown before level.  Our God is an awesome God of so many magnitudes.  Thanks to all of you as well.  I will post this message as a comment to the latest blog as well for those who may miss reading it here.


A Glimmer of Hope

Posted in Readings From The Seven Shepherds | The Writings of Many Willows

A slim hope lay true to the edge of life’s shores;
A falling sound, a whirl to know how to open, this eternal Door;
High in the mind of universal thought, comes many pairs, of ought;
A tremendous glimmer of hope to true;
Claiming an understanding, so high, so big; give to the air; a thought rig;



Posted in The Writings of Angel Whispers | Readings From The Seven Shepherds

Yahveal, It feels as if everywhere I step, the wind only sweeps my footprints away; but I know that every footprint that is placed is recorded in Your Book of Life. I know that You see a greater Light that I could even possibly understand. You are the one who bakes my bread to rise.

This world can feel like goo stuck to one's feet to where one can barely move. If I must run a race to keep following my destiny; then, I shall, because greater is He who art in Heaven. I believe in Your strength to keep me going;


We are candles in His Light...

Posted in The Writings of Angel Whispers | Readings From The Seven Shepherds

Yahveal, I pray for those eyes who seek to find You, that they will find You. Please, O' God, expand Your wings of Love like a wave, so that they may cover the empty spots that may dwell inside a person who has experienced many hardships in their lives. Let their hearts be filled with the your pre-kissed angel tears as a vapor that heals the wound that no medicine on Earth could take care of.


Change Us

Posted in Readings From The Seven Shepherds | The Writings of Many Willows

As dimly sparked thoughts of times past streak through the mind, and spirit, of our youth lived lives, over and under the skies of this planet, with our looking up with continual thoughts of Our Father God, we know in the knowing of our heart of hearts that we are strangers in a strange land, and pilgrims upon the earth, within the heart of the soul there is a knowing that we are, and were, and will be again, with Him Forever, we also know and have been given a promise of eternal life,


Dear Father

Posted in The Writings of Deep Root | Readings From The Seven Shepherds

Dear Father,
I want you to know that I love you and that I am committed to you,,,,, I love you with all my heart.

By my sovereign right of choice, I confess to you anything and everything I have done, that has missed the mark of my high calling in Christ Jesus (meaning of the word sin).....I really want you to know this.


Manifest Chronicles Before Genesis


  • In the long of very long ago...
  • Before the Genesis of this present world...
  • Seven Thunders rose from seven past universes.

Revealed to THE MANIFESTER by insights beyond this world, this is a story of pre-existent universes...

This is book one of seven writs Included is new revelation on the Holy Grail, the Ark of theCovenant, the Urim and Thummim, early Jesus years, and insights to overcomers and life after death.



Over 2500 Pages and 40 Years in the Making

Peace Manifest Bible

The Peace Manifest Bible is a Spirit to spirit Holy Spirit contextual interpretation... There is presently no other Bible like unto this Holy Pesher Bible with its many levels of transcendental writ.

It contains Threefold levels of insight to Scriptures that answers questions so distinctly that hearts become content who read it.

Ordained by Angels and prepared by a scholarly team of Spirit-filled School of the Prophets for Holy Spirit contextual-architect presentations.